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बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री लोगन के लिस्ट

विकिपीडिया से
(बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री से अनुप्रेषित)

बिहार के मुख्यमंत्री भारत के बिहार राज्य के राज प्रमुख होखेला। भारत के संबिधान के नाम हवे, राज्यपाल राज्य के मुखिया होला बाकी सब काम काज मुख्यमंत्री देखेला। बिहार विधानसभा चुनाव के परिनाम के देखत राज्यपाल दल है गाठबंधन के सरकार बनावे के बोलहटा देवेला।

The province of Bihar headquartered in Patna then comprised the present day states Bihar and Jharkhand. On 1 April 1936, Bihar and Orissa became separate provinces by the partition of the province of Bihar and Orissa. Under the Government of India Act 1935, a bicameral legislature was set up with a legislative assembly and a legislative council with a government headed by the Premier.

List of premiers of Bihar
No.[नोट 1] Portrait Name Term of office Party
From To Days in office
1 Mohammad Yunus 1 April 1937 19 July 1937 109 दिन Muslim Independent Party
2 Shri Krishna Sinha 20 July 1937 31 October 1939 2 साल, 104 दिन Indian National Congress
(2) Shri Krishna Sinha 23 March 1946 25 January 1950 3 साल, 308 दिन Indian National Congress

Chief ministers of Bihar

[संपादन करीं]
List of chief ministers of Bihar
No.[नोट 1] Name[1] Portrait Constituency Term Assembly
From To Days in office
1 Sri Krishna Sinha Basantpur West 26 January 1950 31 January 1961 11 साल, 5 दिन 1st Assembly

(1952 election)

Indian National Congress
2nd Assembly (1957–62)
(1957 election)
2 Deep Narayan Singh Hajipur 1 February 1961 18 February 1961 17 दिन
3 Binodanand Jha Rajmahal 18 February 1961 2 October 1963 2 साल, 226 दिन
3rd Assembly

(1962 election)

4 K. B. Sahay Patna West 2 October 1963 5 March 1967 3 साल, 154 दिन
5 Mahamaya Prasad Sinha Patna West 5 March 1967 28 January 1968 330 days 4th Assembly

(1967 election)

Jana Kranti Dal
6 Satish Prasad Singh Parbatta 28 January 1968 1 February 1968 5 days Shoshit Dal
7 B. P. Mandal MLC 1 February 1968 22 March 1968 51 days
8 Bhola Paswan Shastri Korha 22 March 1968 29 June 1968 100 days Indian National Congress
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 29 June 1968 26 February 1969 Dissolved N/A
9 Harihar Singh Nayagram 26 February 1969 22 June 1969 117 days 5th Assembly

(1969 election)

Indian National Congress
(8) Bhola Paswan Shastri Korha 22 June 1969 4 July 1969 13 days Indian National Congress (O)
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 6 July 1969 16 February 1970 N/A
10 Daroga Prasad Rai चित्र:NitishKumarPayingTributeToDPRai.jpg Parsa 16 February 1970 22 December 1970 310 days Indian National Congress
11 Karpoori Thakur Tajpur 22 December 1970 2 June 1971 163 days Socialist Party
(8) Bhola Paswan Shastri Korha 2 June 1971 9 January 1972 222 days
Indian National Congress
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 9 January 1972 19 March 1972 Dissolved N/A
12 Kedar Pandey Nautan 19 March 1972 2 July 1973 1 साल, 105 दिन 6th Assembly

(1972 election)

Indian National Congress
13 Abdul Ghafoor MLC 2 July 1973 11 April 1975 1 साल, 283 दिन
14 Jagannath Mishra Jhanjharpur 11 April 1975 30 April 1977 2 साल, 19 दिन
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 30 April 1977 24 June 1977 Dissolved N/A
(11) Karpoori Thakur Phulparas 24 June 1977 21 April 1979 1 साल, 301 दिन 7th Assembly

(1977 election)

Janata Party
15 Ram Sundar Das Sonepur 21 April 1979 17 February 1980 302 दिन
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 17 February 1980 8 June 1980 N/A
(14) Jagannath Mishra Jhanjharpur 8 June 1980 14 August 1983 3 साल, 67 दिन 8th Assembly

(1980 election)

Indian National Congress (I)
16 Chandrashekhar Singh 14 August 1983 12 March 1985 1 साल, 210 दिन
17 Bindeshwari Dubey Shahpur 12 March 1985 13 February 1988 2 साल, 338 दिन 9th Assembly

(1985 election)

18 Bhagwat Jha Azad MLC 14 February 1988 10 March 1989 1 साल, 24 दिन
19 Satyendra Narayan Sinha MLC 11 March 1989 6 December 1989 270 दिन
(14) Jagannath Mishra Jhanjharpur 6 December 1989 10 March 1990 94 दिन
20 लालू प्रसाद यादव MLC 10 March 1990 28 March 1995 5 साल, 18 दिन 10th Assembly

(1990 election)

Janata Dal
Vacant[नोट 2]
President's rule
State Emblem of India N/A 28 March 1995 4 April 1995 Dissolved N/A
(20) लालू प्रसाद यादव Raghopur 4 April 1995 25 July 1997 2 साल, 112 दिन 11th Assembly

(1995 election)

Janata Dal
Rashtriya Janata Dal
21 Rabri Devi MLC 25 July 1997 11 February 1999 1 साल, 201 दिन
Vacant[नोट 2]
President's rule
State Emblem of India N/A 11 February 1999 9 March 1999 N/A
(21) Rabri Devi MLC 9 March 1999 2 March 2000 359 दिन Rashtriya Janata Dal
22 Nitish Kumar [नोट 3]
3 March 2000 10 March 2000 7 दिन 12th Assembly (2000–05)

(2000 election)

Samta Party
(21) Rabri Devi Raghopur 11 March 2000 6 March 2005 4 साल, 360 दिन Rashtriya Janata Dal[3]
Vacant[नोट 2]
(President's rule)
State Emblem of India N/A 7 March 2005 24 November 2005 13th Assembly (2005)
(February 2005 election)
(22) Nitish Kumar MLC 24 November 2005 26 November 2010 8 साल, 177 दिन 14th Assembly (2005–10)
(October 2005 election)
Janata Dal (United)
26 November 2010 20 May 2014 15th Assembly (2010–15)

(2010 election)

23 Jitan Ram Manjhi Makhdumpur 20 May 2014 22 February 2015 278 days
(22) नीतीश कुमार MLC 22 February 2015 20 November 2015 9 साल, 333 दिन
20 November 2015 16 November 2020 16th Assembly (2015–20)

(2015 election)

16 November 2020 Incumbent 17th Assembly (2020–25)

(2020 election)

After Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav was convicted for his involvement in the fodder scam in 1997, he installed his wife Rabri Devi as Chief Minister instead. Together, they governed for nearly 15 years between 1990 and 2005.
Janata Dal (United) leader Nitish Kumar had served eight and a half years as Bihar's Chief Minister, before stepping down because of his party's poor showing in the 2014 general election.
  1. In 1967, Mahamaya Prasad Sinha became the first non-Indian National Congress Chief minister but he was not able to complete his term.
  2. Lalu Prasad Yadav was the first non-Indian National Congress Chief minister to complete his term (1990-1995).
  3. Lalu Prasad Yadav was the first and only sitting Chief minister to go to jail, he instate his wife Rabri Devi as Chief minister before going to jail.
  4. Husband wife duo of Lalu Prasad Yadav-Rabri Devi remained CM for 14 years, 320 days and their younger son Tejashwi Yadav also became deputy chief Minister of Bihar.
  5. Nitish Kumar had served eight and a half years as Bihar's CM, before stepping down because of his party's poor showing in the 2014 general election. He again became CM in 2015 (after a gap of 278 days).
Jitan Ram ManjhiNitish KumarRabri DeviLalu Prasad YadavSatyendra Narayan SinhaBhagwat Jha AzadBindeshwari DubeyChandrashekhar SinghRam Sundar DasJagannath MishraAbdul GafoorKedar PandeyKarpoori ThakurDaroga Prasad RaiHarihar SinghBhola Paswan ShastriBhindeshwar Prasad MandalSatish Prasad SinghMahamaya Prasad SinhaKrishna Ballabh SahayBinodanand JhaDeep Narayan SinghShri Krishna SinhaMohammad Yunus
Chief Minister by term's length (As of 20 May 2020)
Name Political Party Term
Shortest Longest Total
Nitish Kumar Samata Party

Janata Dal (United)

0 years, 7 days 8 years, 177 days 14 years, 264days
Sri Krishna Sinha Indian National Congress 11 years, 5 days 11 years, 5 days 11 years, 5 days
Rabri Devi Rashtriya Janata Dal 0 years, 359 days 4 years, 360 days 7 year, 190 days
Lalu Prasad Yadav Janata Dal 2 years, 112 days 5 years, 18 days 7 years, 130 days
Jagannath Mishra Indian National Congress 0 years, 94 days 3 years, 67 days 5 years, 180 days
President's rule None 0 years, 7 days 0 years, 291 days 4 years, 49 days
Krishna Ballabh Sahay Indian National Congress 3 years, 154 days 3 years, 154 days 3 years, 154 days
Bindeshwari Dubey Indian National Congress 2 years, 338 days 2 years, 338 days 2 years, 338 days
Binodanand Jha Indian National Congress 2 years, 226 days 2 years, 226 days 2 years, 226 days
Karpoori Thakur Janata Party, Socialist Party 0 years, 163 days 1 year, 301 days 2 year, 98days
Abdul Gafoor Indian National Congress 1 year, 283 days 1 year, 283 days 1 year, 283 days
Chandrashekhar Singh Indian National Congress 1 year, 210 days 1 year, 210 days 1 year, 210 days
Kedar Pandey Indian National Congress 1 year, 105 days 1 year, 105 days 1 year, 105 days
Bhagwat Jha Azad Indian National Congress 1 year, 24 days 1 year, 24 days 1 year, 24 days
Mahamaya Prasad Sinha Jana Kranti Dal 0 years, 329 days 0 years, 329 days 0 years, 329 days
Daroga Prasad Rai Indian National Congress 0 years, 310 days 0 years, 310 days 0 years, 310 days
Ram Sundar Das Janata Party 0 years, 302 days 0 years, 302 days 0 years, 302 days
Jitan Ram Manjhi Janata Dal (United) 0 years, 278 days 0 years, 278 days 0 years, 278 days
Satyendra Narayan Sinha Indian National Congress 0 years, 270 days 0 years, 270 days 0 years, 270 days
Harihar Singh Indian National Congress 0 years, 117 days 0 years, 117 days 0 years, 117 days
Bhola Paswan Shastri Indian National Congress

Indian National Congress (O)

0 years, 13 days 0 years, 99 days 0 years, 112 days
Bindheshwari Prasad Mandal Samyukta Socialist Party 0 years, 51 days 0 years, 51 days 0 years, 51 days
Deep Narayan Singh Indian National Congress 0 years, 17 days 0 years, 17 days 0 years, 17 days
Satish Prasad Singh Samyukta Socialist Party 0 years, 5 days 0 years, 5 days 0 years, 5 days
Governing Political Party by term's length (As of 20 May 2020)
Political Party Chief Ministers Term
Shortest Longest Total
Indian National Congress Sri Krishna Sinha

Deep Narayan Singh

Binodanand Jha

Krishna Ballabh Sahay

Bhola Paswan Shastri (3)

Harihar Singh

Daroga Prasad Rai

Kedar Pandey

Abdul Gafoor

Jagannath Mishra (3)

Chandrashekhar Singh

Bindeshwari Dubey

Bhagwat Jha Azad

Satyendra Narayan Sinha

0 years, 17 days 11 years, 5 days 33 years, 148 days
Samata Party

Janata Dal (United)

Nitish Kumar (3)

Jitan Ram Manjhi

0 years, 7 days 8 years, 177 days 14 years, 264days
Rashtriya Janata Dal Rabri Devi 0 years, 359 days 4 years, 360 days 7 year, 190 days
Janata Dal Lalu Prasad Yadav 2 years, 112 days 5 years, 18 days 7 years, 130 days
President's rule None 0 years, 7 days 0 years, 291 days 4 years, 49 days
Janata Party Karpoori Thakur

Ram Sundar Das

2 years, 238 days 2 years, 238 days 2 years, 238 days
Jana Kranti Dal Mahamaya Prasad Sinha 0 years, 329 days 0 years, 329 days 0 years, 329 days
Socialist Party Karpoori Thakur 0 years, 163 days 0 years, 163 days 0 years, 163 days
Indian National Congress (O) Bhola Paswan Shastri 0 years, 13 days 0 years, 13 days 0 years, 13 days
Samyukta Socialist Party Satish Prasad Singh

Bindheshwari Prasad Mandal

0 years, 5 days 0 years, 51 days 0 years, 56 days
  1. 1.0 1.1 A parenthetical number indicates that the incumbent has previously held office.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 President's rule may be imposed when the "government in a state is not able to function as per the Constitution", which often happens because no party or coalition has a majority in the assembly. When President's rule is in force in a state, its council of ministers stands dissolved. The office of chief minister thus lies vacant, and the administration is taken over by the governor, who functions on behalf of the central government. At times, the legislative assembly also stands dissolved.[2]
  3. On 15 November 2000, the new state of Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar.

One of the achievements of the Bihar Government is that they have launched a Medhasoft Application for the students so that deserving students in the state get scholarships and the amount will be directly transferred to their account. However, in order to get this, school authorities have to upload all their student's details in the Medhasoft web portal.

  1. "Chief Ministers of Bihar". Bihar Chief Minister's website. Archived from the original on 19 March 2011.
  2. Amberish K. Diwanji. "A dummy's guide to President's rule". Rediff.com. 15 March 2005.
  3. https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/nation/story/20000320-nitish-kumars-government-in-bihar-not-outvoted-as-much-as-outmanoeuvred-by-laloo-yadav-777236-2000-03-20