टेम्पलेट:Infobox university

{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{caption}}} | |
लैटिन: {{{latin_name}}} | |
दूसर नाँव | {{{other_name}}} or {{{other_names}}} |
पुरान नाँव | {{{former_name}}} or {{{former_names}}} |
मोटो | {{{motto}}} |
Motto in English | {{{mottoeng}}} |
स्थापना | {{{established}}} [ –{{{closed}}} ] |
प्रकार | {{{type}}} |
महतारी संस्था | {{{parent}}} |
संबद्धता | {{{affiliation}}} |
धार्मिक संबद्धता | {{{religious_affiliation}}} |
एकेडेमिक संबद्धता | {{{academic_affiliation}}} |
धन ब्यवस्था | {{{endowment}}} |
बजट | {{{budget}}} |
इंचार्ज अफसर | {{{officer_in_charge}}} |
चैयरमैन | {{{chairman}}} |
चेयरपर्सन | {{{chairperson}}} |
चांसलर | {{{chancellor}}} |
प्रेसिडेंट | {{{president}}} |
डीन | {{{vice-president}}} |
सुपरिंटेंडेंट | {{{superintendent}}} |
प्रोवोस्ट | {{{provost}}} |
वाइसचांसलर | {{{vice_chancellor}}} |
रेक्टर | {{{rector}}} |
प्रेंसपल | {{{principal}}} |
डीन | {{{dean}}} |
डाइरेक्टर | {{{director}}} |
{{{head_label}}} | {{{head}}} |
एकेडेमिक स्टाफ | {{{academic_staff}}} |
प्रशासनिक स्टाफ | {{{administrative_staff}}} |
बिद्यार्थी | {{{students}}} {{{enrollment}}} |
अंडरग्रेजुएट | {{{undergrad}}} |
पोस्टग्रेजुएट | {{{postgrad}}} |
डाक्टरेट बिद्यार्थी | {{{doctoral}}} |
अन्य बिद्यार्थी | {{{other_students}}} |
लोकेशन | {{{location}}} or {{{city}}}, {{{state}}}, {{{province}}}, {{{country}}} {{{coor}}} |
कैंपस | {{{campus}}} |
भाषा | {{{language}}} |
{{{free_label}}} | {{{free}}} |
स्कूल कलर | {{{colors}}} or {{{colours}}} |
एथलेटिक्स | {{{athletics}}} |
खेलकूद | {{{sports}}} |
पुकारनाँव | {{{sports_nickname}}} |
मस्कट | {{{mascot}}} or {{{mascots}}} |
Sporting affiliations | {{{sporting_affiliations}}} |
वेबसाइट | {{{website}}} |
{{{logo}}} | |
{{{nrhp}}} or {{{embedded}}} | |
{{{pushpin_map}}} {{{footnotes}}} |
{{Infobox university}} is an infobox for articles about universities and colleges; see Wikipedia:College and university article guidelines.
Blank syntax
[संपादन करीं]All fields other than name
, established
and city
are optional. Their names, as below, must be in lower case.
{{Infobox university | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | image = | image_size = | image_alt = | caption = | latin_name = | other_name = <!-- or: | other_names = --> | former_name = <!-- or: | former_names = --> | motto = | motto_lang = | mottoeng = | established = <!-- {{start date|YYYY}} --> | closed = <!-- {{end date|YYYY}} --> | type = | parent = | affiliation = | religious_affiliation = | academic_affiliation = | endowment = | budget = | officer_in_charge = | chairman = | chairperson = | chancellor = | president = | vice-president = | superintendent = | provost = | vice_chancellor= | rector = | principal = | dean = | director = | head_label = | head = | academic_staff = | administrative_staff = | students = | undergrad = | postgrad = | doctoral = | other = | city = | state = | province = | country = | coor = | campus = | language = | free_label = | free = | colors = <!-- or: | colours = --> | athletics = | sports = | athletics_nickname = <!-- or: | athletics_nicknames = --><!-- or: | sports_nickname = --><!-- or: | sports_nicknames = --> | mascot = <!-- or: | mascots = --> | sporting_affiliations = | website = <!-- {{URL|example.com}} --> | logo = | footnotes = }}
[संपादन करीं]University of Illyria | |
Universiti von Illyria | |
![]() Seal of University of Illyria | |
लैटिन: Universitas Illyriensis | |
पुरान नाँव | Utopian University |
मोटो | Melior a lepidus fossor quam a stultus lepor lepos |
Motto in English | "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit" |
चालू | 1666 | –1850
प्रकार | Public |
संबद्धता | Church of Illyria |
धन ब्यवस्था | US$ 123,456,789 |
चांसलर | Jane Doe |
Visitor | Archbishop Doe |
एकेडेमिक स्टाफ | 300 |
प्रशासनिक स्टाफ | 600 |
बिद्यार्थी | 10,000 |
अंडरग्रेजुएट | 5,000 |
पोस्टग्रेजुएट | 1,000 |
डाक्टरेट बिद्यार्थी | 100 |
अन्य बिद्यार्थी | 1,200a |
लोकेशन | Illyria, Illyria, Utopia 12°20′N 98°46′W / 12.34°N 98.76°Wनिर्देशांक: 12°20′N 98°46′W / 12.34°N 98.76°W |
कैंपस | Rural |
स्कूल कलर | Red and Blue |
खेलकूद | |
पुकारनाँव | The Nematodes |
मस्कट | Nobby the Nematode |
Sporting affiliations | Utopian Athletic League |
वेबसाइट | www |
![]() | |
Note: This university is completely fictional. |
{{Infobox university | name = University of Illyria | native_name = Universiti von Illyria | native_name_lang = de | image = Dabney-minimalist-vector.svg | image_size = 162px | image_alt = scroll atop shield outline | caption = Seal of University of Illyria | latin_name = Universitas Illyriensis | former_name = Utopian University | motto = ''Melior a lepidus fossor quam a stultus lepor lepos'' | motto_lang = la | mottoeng = "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit" | established = {{start date|1666}} | closed = {{end date|1850}} | type = [[Public university|Public]] | affiliation = Church of Illyria | endowment = [[US$]] 123,456,789 | officer_in_charge = | chairman = | chancellor = [[Jane Doe]] | president = | vice-president = | superintendent = | provost = | vice_chancellor = | rector = | principal = | dean = | director = | head_label = [[Visitor]] | head = [[John Doe|Archbishop Doe]] | academic_staff = 300 | administrative_staff = 600 | students = 10,000 | undergrad = 5,000 | postgrad = 1,000 | doctoral = 100 | other_students = 1,200{{sup|a}} | city = [[Illyria]] | state = [[Illyria]] | province = | country = [[Utopia]] | coor = {{coord|12.34|-98.76|type:edu|display=inline,title}} | campus = [[Rural area|Rural]] | language = | colours = {{color box|red}}{{color box|blue}} Red and Blue | athletics = | sports = {{hlist |[[Track and field|Track]] |[[Water polo]]}} | sports_nickname = The Nematodes | mascot = Nobby the Nematode | sporting_affiliations = [[Utopian Athletic League]] | website = {{URL|www.illyria.edu}} | logo = [[File:EUSP logo lowres.jpg|50px|alt=Spiral on stripes]] | footnotes = <hr/> <div style="text-align:left;"> {{sup|a}} [[Further education]].<br/> </div> Note: This university is completely fictional. }}
Parameter descriptions
[संपादन करीं]Parameters whose names are italicized and underlined are required. Any examples are not intended to represent or reflect actual information or statistics.
- name
- The institution's official name in English.
- native_name
- The institution's official name in its local language or languages (if more than one, separate using {{plainlist}} or {{ublist}}).
- native_name_lang
- ISO 639-2 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead.
- other_name
- (or other_names) For any alternative and current names by which the university is known (in English).
- former_name
- (or former_names) Any former name or names of the institution.
- image
- University-related graphic, preferably the university's official seal or logo. Produces an image of 200px by default. This parameter can also be specified as image_name.
- image_size
- Use in conjunction with image. Allows editors to specify an image width rather than use the default. This defaults to the user's thumbnail size, or the image size if smaller.
- image_alt
- Alt text for image, for visually impaired readers. This should not contain wiki syntax and should not duplicate the caption (see WP:ALT).
- caption
- Caption text for the infobox image. May include wiki syntax.
- latin_name
- University name in Latin.
- motto
- University's motto (usually Latin).
- motto_lang
- If the motto is not in English, the ISO 639-2 code for its language (e.g. "fr" for French). If more than one, use {{lang}} instead.
- mottoeng
- University's motto in English if another language is used above.
- established
- Date of establishment/founding. Use the template {{start date}} and give year if no more exact date available.
- closed
- For former universities, provide the date of closure. Use the template {{end date}} and give year if no more exact date available.
- type
- e.g. public, private, four year, undergraduate, graduate, etc.
- parent
- Name of any parent institution (e.g. for some colleges, a university).
- affiliation
- The institute's affiliation (if not specifically religious or academic).
- religious_affiliation
- Use if the institution has a religious affiliation.
- academic_affiliation
- Use if the institution has an academic affiliation.
- endowment
- Financial endowment value.
- budget
- Total budget / income.
- rector, officer_in_charge, chairman, chancellor, president, vice-president, superintendent, provost, vice_chancellor, principal, dean, director
- Names of university officers. Use all that apply and wikilink where possible.
- head_label, head
- Use head_label to specify another officer title; use head for the officer's name.
- academic_staff
- Number of faculty / academic staff members.
- administrative_staff
- Number of administrative and support staff.
- students
- Total number of students of any/all types.
- undergrad
- Total undergraduate enrollment.
- postgrad
- Total postgraduate enrollment.
- doctoral
- Total doctoral enrollment.
- other
- Other student enrollment. Specify a type or types if possible.
- city
- City where the institution is located (wikilink if possible).
- state
- State or similar administrative subdivision. Use in conjunction with country and to the exclusion of province. Wikilink if possible.
- province
- For all other administrative subdivisions; use as an alternative to state in conjunction with country.
- country
- Country in which the university is located, based or registered. Use in conjunction with city and, optionally, state or province. Wikilink if possible.
- coor
- Displays coordinates, in parentheses, after the location fields. Use the {{coord}} with type:edu and display=inline,title.
- campus
- Type/nature of the institution's campus (e.g. urban, rural, multiple sites, etc).
- language
- Language commonly used used for instruction at the institution.
- free_label, free
- Use free_label to display any specialty field title. Use free to display the related data.
- colors / colours
- Institution's official colo(u)rs. Use the appropriate parameter based on whether the location primarily uses the spelling color or colour.
- athletics / sports
- Institution's primary or major athletics or other sporting activities.
- athletics_nickname / sports_nickname
- (or athletics_nicknames / sports_nicknames) Institution's athletics or other sports' nickname/s and/or moniker/s.
- mascot
- (or mascots) Institution's (athletics) mascot or mascots.
- sporting_affiliations
- List of institution's sporting affiliations and/or memberships (use {{plainlist}} or {{ublist}}).
- website
- Institution's official website (homepage). Specify using {{URL}}.
- logo
- For a (closely-)related athletics/sports logo, corporate emblem or similar graphic. Enter full image syntax.
- footnotes
- Footnotes for the infobox. Useful for including references for data.
[संपादन करीं]- Subtemplates
- Use {{start date}} for the date on which an organisation was "established", "founded", "opened" or otherwise started, unless that date is before 1583 CE.
- Use {{URL}} for an organisation's URL.
- Use {{coord}} for coordinates associated with the organisation (e.g. the location of its headquarters). A Geo microformat will then make these coordinates parsable, e.g. for use in online mapping, downloading to a GPS unit, etc.
Please do not remove instances of these subtemplates.
- Classes used
The HTML classes this microformat uses include:
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
[संपादन करीं]An infobox for articles about universities and colleges.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
Name (in English) | name | Official name in English. | Line | required |
Native Name | native_name | Name in its native language. | Line | optional |
Native Name Language | native_name_lang | ISO 639-2 code e.g. 'fr' for French. | Line | optional |
Image Name | image image_name | University-related graphic, preferably the university's official seal or logo. Use the image filename without File: namespace prefix. Produces an image of 200px by default. | Line | optional |
Image Size | image_size | Use in conjunction with image. Allows editors to specify an image width rather than use the default. | Line | optional |
Alternative Text for Image | image_alt | Alt text for image, for visually impaired readers. This should not contain wiki syntax, and should not duplicate the caption. See [[WP:ALT]]. | String | optional |
Caption | caption | Caption text for the infobox image. May include wiki syntax. | String | optional |
Latin Name | latin_name | University name in Latin. | Line | optional |
Motto | motto | University's motto; usually in Latin. | String | optional |
Motto Language | motto_lang | If the motto is not in English, the ISO 639-2 code for its language (e.g. "fr" for French). If more than one, use {{lang}} instead. | String | optional |
Motto (in English) | mottoeng | University's motto in English if another language is used above. | String | optional |
Year Established | established | Date of establishment/founding. Give year if no exact date is available. Use the template {{Start date}}. | Line | required |
closed | closed | For former universities, provide the date of closure. Give year if no exact date is available. Use the template {{End date}}. | Line | optional |
type | type | Public, private, four year, undergraduate, graduate, etc. | Line | optional |
Parent institution | parent | Parent institution | Line | optional |
Religious affiliation | affiliation | Religious affiliation. | Line | optional |
Endowment | endowment | Financial endowment value. | Line | optional |
Budget | budget | Total budget / income. | Line | optional |
Rector | rector | Rector of the institution. | Line | optional |
Officer in Charge | officer_in_charge | Officer in Charge of the institution. | Line | optional |
Chairman | chairman | Chairman of the institution. | Line | optional |
Chancellor | chancellor | Chancellor of the institution. | Line | optional |
President | president | President of the institution. | Line | optional |
Vice President | vice-president | Vice President of the institution. | Line | optional |
Superintendent | superintendent | Superintendent of the institution. | Line | optional |
Provost | provost | Provost of the institution. | Line | optional |
Vice Chancellor | vice_chancellor | Vice Chancellor of the institution. | Line | optional |
Principal | principal | Principal of the institution. | Line | optional |
Dean | dean | Dean of the institution. | Line | optional |
Director | director | Director of the institution. | Line | optional |
Head Label | head_label | Another officer title. Use with the Head Name field. | Line | optional |
Head Name | head | The name of the officer that goes with the Head Label. | Line | optional |
# of Academic Staff | academic_staff | Number of faculty / academic staff members. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890) | Line | optional |
# of Administrative Staff | administrative_staff | Number of administrative / support staff. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890) | Line | optional |
# of Students | students | Total student count. use undergrad, postgrad, doctoral and other for additional detail. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890 instead of 1234567890) | Line | optional |
# of Undergrads | undergrad | Total undergraduate enrollment. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890 instead of 1234567890) | Line | optional |
# of Postgrads | postgrad | Total postgraduate enrollment. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890 instead of 1234567890) | Line | optional |
# of Doctorals | doctoral | Total doctoral enrollment. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890 instead of 1234567890) | Line | optional |
Other enrollment | other
| Other student enrollment. Specify a category if possible. (include number formatting e.g. 1,234,567,890 instead of 1234567890) | String | optional |
City | city
| City the university is located in. Provide wikilink if possible. | Line | required |
State | state | U.S. state or similar administrative subdivision. Use in conjunction with the Country field, and do not use with the Province field. Provide wikilink if possible. | Line | optional |
Province | province | For all other administrative subdivisions; use as an alternative to the State field in conjunction with the Country field. | Line | optional |
Country | country | Country in which the university is based. Provide wikilink if possible. | Line | optional |
Coordinates | coor | Displays coordinates, in parentheses, after the location fields. Use the template {{Coord}} with type:edu and display=inline,title. | Line | optional |
Campus(es) | campus | Campus(es) of the institution. | String | optional |
Former Names | former_names | Previous names the university was known by. | String | optional |
Instruction Language | language | Language used for instruction | String | optional |
Free Label | free_label | A special field title; use with the Free Content field. | Line | optional |
Free Content | free | Related data that goes with the Free Label field. | String | optional |
Athletics | athletics
| Primary university sports. Use Athletics or Sports, whichever is appropriate. | String | optional |
Official Colo(u)rs | colours colors | Official university colo(u)rs. | String | optional |
Sports | sports | Primary university sports. Use Athletics or Sports, whichever is appropriate. | String | optional |
Athletic Nickname | nickname | University's athletic nickname or moniker. | String | optional |
Mascot | mascot | University's athletic mascot. | String | optional |
Academic/Sporting Affiliations | affiliations | List of academic/sporting affiliations and memberships. Provide wikilink if possible. | String | optional |
Website | website | Official university website. Use the template {{URL}}. | Line | optional |
Logo | logo | Use for an athletics logo, corporate emblem, or similar graphic. Enter full image syntax. | Line | optional |
Footnotes | footnotes | Footnotes for the infobox. Useful for including references for data. | String | optional |
इहो देखल जाय
[संपादन करीं]- Template maintenance categories
- Category:Instances of Infobox university using both image and image name
- Category:TEMP - Infobox university with a superintendent parameter value
परिचय खातिर ऊपर दिहल गइल बिबरनलेख के टेम्पलेट:Infobox university/doc से ट्रांसक्लूड क के इहाँ देखावल जा रहल बाटे। (संपादन करीं | इतिहास देखीं) संपादक लोग एह टेम्पलेट के अभ्यासपन्ना (सैंडबाक्स) (बनाईं | मिरर करीं) आ टेस्टकेस (बनाईं) पन्ना सभ पर अभ्यास आ प्रयोग (टेस्टिंग) क सकत बाटे। अनुरोध बा कि अगर श्रेणी जोड़े के होखे तब /doc उपपन्ना (सबपेज) पर जोड़ल जाय। एह टेम्पलेट के उपपन्ना (सबपेज) देखीं। |