टेम्पलेट:Disputed title
![]() | The current title of this article is disputed. (फरवरी 2025) |

This template identifies a Wikipedia article as having a title which is disputed
To apply this template to an article, first add a new section "Disputed title" to the talk page, describing the problems with the disputed title.
- alternate title= (optional): Contains a single alternative title, which editors feel may be more appropriate
- alternate titles= (optional): Use this instead of alternate title if there are multiple titles which are believed to be appropriate.
- date= (optional): Month and year when template was applied.
- section= (optional, recommended): section of the talk page which contains discussion on the title dispute. A recommended argument for this is Disputed title
- page= (optional, replaces section): instead of linking the section of a talk page, allows you to link an entirely different page for the discussion. This can be used when the discussion is occurring on a subpage of the talkpage or a different forum.
{{Disputed title|alternate title=Something else|alternate titles=Something else altogether|section=Disputed title}}
results in:
![]() | The current title of this article is disputed. An alternative proposed title is Something else. Alternative proposed titles are: Something else altogether. (फरवरी 2025) |
See Wikipedia:Accuracy dispute.
This template will place the article into Category:Accuracy disputes and Category:Wikipedia title cleanup.
This template is a self-reference.
अनुप्रेषित सभ
- {{Title disputed}}, {{Title-disputed}}, {{TitleDisputed}}
- {{Accuracy-title}}
- {{Dubious title}}
- {{बिबादित टाइटिल}}, {{टाइटिल बिबादित}}, {{टाइटिल बिबाद}}
इहो देखल जाय
Article title cleanup templates
- {{POV title}} (for neutrality disputes)
- {{Inappropriate title}}
- {{Disputed title}}
- {{Cleanup title}}
- Category:Wikipedia title cleanup
- Category:Wikipedia title cleanup (sorted by template)
Wikipedia project pages
- Wikipedia:Accuracy dispute
- Wikipedia:Consensus
- Wikipedia:Dispute resolution
- Wikipedia:Disputed statement
- Wikipedia:Neutral point of view
- Wikipedia:Template messages
- Wikipedia:Template namespace
Disputed factual accuracyइहो देखल जाय: श्रेणी:Dispute templates.
Both accuracy and POV
Disputed neutrality (POV)इहो देखल जाय: श्रेणी:Neutrality templates.
परिचय खातिर ऊपर दिहल गइल बिबरनलेख के टेम्पलेट:Disputed title/doc से ट्रांसक्लूड क के इहाँ देखावल जा रहल बाटे। (संपादन करीं | इतिहास देखीं) संपादक लोग एह टेम्पलेट के अभ्यासपन्ना (सैंडबाक्स) (बनाईं | मिरर करीं) आ टेस्टकेस (बनाईं) पन्ना सभ पर अभ्यास आ प्रयोग (टेस्टिंग) क सकत बाटे। अनुरोध बा कि अगर श्रेणी जोड़े के होखे तब /doc उपपन्ना (सबपेज) पर जोड़ल जाय। एह टेम्पलेट के उपपन्ना (सबपेज) देखीं। |