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Scribunto manual

This helps with the creation of doc pages for Lua metamodules that reference the Scribunto manual or specific function within it.

|<!--link text-->
If an anchor is provided, the link will be wrapped in <code>...</code>. For example:
produces this link:  mw.html.create
produces this link: mw.html You may also use |self={{PAGENAME}} to reference your own functions and |args= to specify args, like so:
produces this link:  Buffer:_all( ... )

If the first char matches the pattern ^[:%.] then title specified by |self= will be inserted in front, minus any subpages, unless escaped with the \ char:

produces:  Example/testcases.test1( string ) If your module has no "main" method (e.g. Module:Buffer), you can pass the escape char \ as the first char in the function name to make a self-reference:
produces:  Buffer( ... ) ' If the second parameter contains ***, then the first param will be substituted (or the self-reference, as applicable):
require('Module:Buffer')( ... )

|args2= and |args3=

[संपादन करीं]
Use to specify up to 3 argument variations.
{{scribunto|table.insert|args=table, value|args2=table, pos, value}}
table.insert( table, value )

table.insert( table, pos, value )

If set to anything, the result will no longer be wrapped in <code>...</code>.