टेम्पलेट:User summary
टेम्पलेट बिबरनलेख[देखीं] [संपादन करीं] [इतिहास देखीं] [रिफ्रेश करीं]
- Example:
- Example (talk · contribs · deleted contribs · what links to user page · count · user page logs · x-wiki · status · Edit filter search · Google · StopForumSpam)
- Link labels explained:
- "talk" -- User talk page
- "contribs" -- User contributions
- "deleted contribs" -- accessible to admins only
- "what links to user page" -- Wikipedia pages linking to user's userpage
- "count" -- edit count (X!'s tool)
- "COIBot" -- links to the COIBot user-report (if generated)
- "user page logs" -- logs of actions taken on user's account or user page
- "x-wiki" - search contributions on all 700+ Wikimedia Foundation projects
- "status" -- Is the user an admin, bureaucrat, etc.
- "Edit filter search" --
- "Google" -- searches user name
- This version here doesn't properly handle queries with a space in them
- "StopForumSpam" --
Userspace link templates
User information templates provide informational links for a user; they are similar to signatures, but often provide additional information, and may be used by other users. List:
- Demo user used is User:Example
परिचय खातिर ऊपर दिहल गइल बिबरनलेख के टेम्पलेट:User summary/doc से ट्रांसक्लूड क के इहाँ देखावल जा रहल बाटे। (संपादन करीं | इतिहास देखीं) संपादक लोग एह टेम्पलेट के अभ्यासपन्ना (सैंडबाक्स) (बनाईं | मिरर करीं) आ टेस्टकेस (बनाईं) पन्ना सभ पर अभ्यास आ प्रयोग (टेस्टिंग) क सकत बाटे। अनुरोध बा कि अगर श्रेणी जोड़े के होखे तब /doc उपपन्ना (सबपेज) पर जोड़ल जाय। एह टेम्पलेट के उपपन्ना (सबपेज) देखीं। |