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टेम्पलेट:CIA World Factbook

विकिपीडिया से

 एह लेख में पब्लिक डोमेन सामग्री ले के सामिल कइल गइल बा जेकर स्रोत सीआइए वल्ड फैक्टबुक वेबसाइट https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html बाटे।

This template attributes content to The World Factbook, which is a publication of the Central Intelligence Agency. This is a public domain publication of the U.S. government. This template will include the articles which transclude it into the hidden category Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the World Factbook.

This template accepts five parameters: year, url, article, author, accessdate. The parameters url and article should be used together. The parameters are optional, and may be omitted.

इहो देखल जाय

[संपादन करीं]