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व्लादीमिर नाबोकव क रचना संसार

विकिपीडिया से

ई रूसी-अंग्रेजी लेखक व्लादीमिर नाबोकव क रचना कुल क लिस्ट हवे:


[संपादन करीं]


[संपादन करीं]
Samizdat copies of Nabokov's works on display at Nabokov House

रूसी भाषा में उपन्यास

[संपादन करीं]
  • (1926) Mashen'ka (Машенька); English translation: Mary (1970)
  • (1928) Korol' Dama Valet (Король, дама, валет); English translation: King, Queen, Knave (1968)
  • (1930) Zashchita Luzhina (Защита Лужина); English translation: The Luzhin Defense or The Defense (1964) (also adapted to film, The Luzhin Defence, in 2000)
  • (1930) The Eye (Соглядатай (The Eye)), novella; first publication as a book 1938; English translation: The Eye (1965)
  • (1932) Podvig (Подвиг (Deed)); English translation: Glory (1971)
  • (1933) Kamera Obskura (Камера Обскура); English translations: Camera Obscura (1936), Laughter in the Dark (1938)
  • (1934) Otchayanie (Отчаяние); English translation: Despair (1937, 1965)
  • (1936) Priglasheniye na kazn' (Приглашение на казнь (Invitation to an execution)); English translation: Invitation to a Beheading (1959)
  • (1938) Dar (Дар); English translation: The Gift (1963)
  • (Unpublished novella, written in 1939) Volshebnik (Волшебник); English translation: The Enchanter (1985)

अंग्रेजी उपन्यास

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[संपादन करीं]

छूटल छटकल कहनी

[संपादन करीं]
  • (1948) "Colette". The New Yorker, July 31, 1948
  • (2005) "The Word". The New Yorker, December 6, 2005 [2]
  • (2008) "Natasha". The New Yorker, June 9 & 16, 2008[3]
  • (1938) Izobretenie Val'sa (The Waltz Invention); English translation The Waltz Invention: A Play in Three Acts (1966)
  • The Tragedy of Mister Morn (2012): English translation of a Russian-language play written 1923–24, publicly read 1924, published in a journal 1997, independently published 2008
  • (1974) Lolita: A Screenplay (Despite the credits given in the earlier film version, this was not used.)
  • (1984) The Man from the USSR and Other Plays
  • (1916) Stikhi ("Poems"). Sixty-eight poems in Russian.
  • (1918) Al'manakh: Dva Puti (An Almanac: Two Paths"). Twelve poems by Nabokov and eight by Andrei Balashov, in Russian.
  • (1922) Grozd ("The Cluster"). Thirty-six poems in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
  • (1923) Gornii Put' ("The Empyrean Path"). One hundred and twenty-eight poems in Russian, by "Vl. Sirin".
  • (1929) Vozvrashchenie Chorba ("The Return of Chorb"). Fifteen short stories and twenty-four poems, in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
  • (1952) Stikhotvoreniia 1929–1951 ("Poems 1929–1951") Fifteen poems in Russian.
  • (1959) Poems. The contents were later incorporated within Poems and Problems.
  • (1969) Poems and Problems (a collection of poetry and chess problems). The contents were later incorporated within Selected Poems.
  • (1979) Stikhi ("Poems"). Two hundred and twenty-two poems in Russian.
  • (2012) Selected Poems

फ्रांसीसी से रूसी में

[संपादन करीं]

अंग्रेजी से रूसी में

[संपादन करीं]

रूसी से अंग्रेजी में

[संपादन करीं]
  • (1944) Nikolai Gogol
  • (1963) Notes on Prosody (Later appeared within Eugene Onegin.)
  • (1980) Lectures on Literature
  • (1980) Lectures on Ulysses. Facsimiles of Nabokov's notes.
  • (1981) Lectures on Russian Literature
  • (1983) Lectures on Don Quixote

आत्मकथा से जुड़ल

[संपादन करीं]
  • (1949) "Curtain-Raiser". The New Yorker 24/45 (1 जनवरी 1949): 18-21.
  • (1951) Conclusive Evidence: A Memoir - first version of Nabokov's autobiography. (British edition titled Speak, Memory: A Memoir)
  • (1954) Drugie Berega (Другие берега, "Other Shores") - revised version of the autobiography
  • (1967) Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited - final revised and extended edition of Conclusive Evidence. It includes information on his work as a lepidopterist.
  • (1973) Strong Opinions. Interviews, reviews, letters to editors.
  • (1979) The Nabokov–Wilson Letters Letters between Nabokov and Edmund Wilson
  • (1984) Perepiska s Sestroi (Переписка с Сестрой (Correspondence with the Sister)) Correspondence between Nabokov and Helene Sikorski; also includes some letters to his brother Kirill
  • (1987) Carrousel. Three long-forgotten short texts that had recently been rediscovered.
  • (1989) Selected Letters
  • (2001) Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov–Wilson Letters, 1940–1971. A revised and augmented edition of The Nabokov–Wilson Letters.

तितली निरेखल

[संपादन करीं]

इकट्ठा कइल रचना

[संपादन करीं]
  1. [1]
  2. Here at the New Yorker.
  3. Here at the New Yorker.