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This is a typing short cut for linking to Royal Navy ship articles named in the format "HMS Gloucester (D96)". Since Ship names are italicized in article text, and editors often don't want to include the pennant number, linking to them in the usual manner means typing everything twice, such as [[HMS Gloucester (D96)|HMS ''Gloucester'']]. This template halves that to {{HMS|Gloucester|D96|6}}.

{{HMS|Ship Name}}
{{HMS|Ship Name|ID}}: the optional ID can be the hull number, pennant number or launch year as specified in the article title: [[HMA Ship Name (ID)]].
{{HMS|Ship Name|ID|6}}: the last code (e.g., "6") sets the formatting of the blue link label.
Template usage Equivalent wikicode Final result
{{HMS|Illustrious|R06}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|HMS ''Illustrious'' (R06)]] HMS Illustrious (R06)
{{HMS|Raisonnable|1768}} [[HMS Raisonnable (1768)|HMS ''Raisonnable'' (1768)]] HMS Raisonnable (1768)
{{HMS|Victory}} [[HMS Victory|HMS ''Victory'']] HMS Victory

Last example could be used to link to ship index (disambiguation) page

Format options parameter

[संपादन करीं]

A third, unnamed parameter |3= allows setting which pieces of text are displayed in the wikilink. It sets the label in the link: [[targetpage|label]]

For example, the ship's article is entered as {{HMS|Illustrious|R06}}, by default showing as HMS Illustrious (R06).

But in your article, the hull number (disambiguator) may not be needed to show. In that case, add |4=2, and the result is:

{{HMS|Illustrious|R06|2}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|''Illustrious'']] Illustrious

The options are:

Value Displayed Example Wikicode Showing
None prefix, name, ID {{HMS|Illustrious|R06}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|HMS ''Illustrious'' (R06)]] HMS Illustrious (R06)
1 ID {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|1}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|R06]] R06
2 name {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|2}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|''Illustrious'']] Illustrious
3 name, ID {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|3}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|''Illustrious'' (R06)]] Illustrious (R06)
4 same as default {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|4}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|HMS ''Illustrious'' (R06)]] Invalid Optional Parameter
5 prefix, ID {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|5}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|HMS ''R06'']] HMS (R06)
6 prefix, name {{HMS|Illustrious|R06|6}} [[HMS Illustrious (R06)|HMS ''Illustrious'']] HMS Illustrious
This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

TemplateData for HMS

Syntax error in JSON.