ज्याँ द्रेज
ज्याँ द्रेज़ Jean Drèze | |
Born | 1959 (उमिर 65–66) |
Nationality | भारतीय |
Field | बिकास अर्थशास्त्र |
Alma mater | युनिवर्सिटी ऑफ एस्सेक्स इंडियन स्टैटिस्टिकल इंस्टीट्यूट |
Influences | अमर्त्य सेन |
ज्याँ द्रेज (Jean Drèze; जनम 1959) बेल्जियम में जनमल एगो भारतीय अर्थशास्त्री आ एक्टिविस्ट बाने। भारत में इनके काम आ रिसर्च मुख्य रूप से बिकास के अर्थशास्त्र, भुखमरी, गरीबी आ अइसने मुद्दा सभ से जुड़ल बाटे। नरेगा के इनके ख़ास उपलब्धी मानल जाला आ एकरे पहिला चरण के ड्राफ्ट बनावे वाला इहे रहलें।
एकरे अलावा द्रेज़ नोबल बिजेता अमर्त्य सेन के साथे मिल के अकाल पर, निकोलस स्टर्न के साथे मिल के पॉलिसी सुधार पर लिख चुकल बाड़ें। वर्तमान में द्रेज दिल्ली स्कूल ऑफ इकोनॉमिक्स के ऑनरेरी प्रोफेसर आ राँची यूनिवर्सिटी के विजिटिंग प्रोफ़ेसर बाने। भारत के नेशनल एडवाइजरी कौंसिल के दू बेर सदस्य रह चुकल बाड़ें हालाँकि, दुनों बेर ई एकही साल में एह से अलगा हो गइलेन।
[संपादन करीं]किताब
- Drèze J. and Sen, A.K. 1989. Hunger and Public Action. Oxford University Press.
- (as Jean Delarue) 1990. No.1 Clapham Road: The diary of a squat. Peaceprint.
- Drèze J. and Sen, A. (eds.). 1991. The Political Economy of Hunger. Three volumes. Oxford University Press.
- Ahmad E, Drèze J, Hills J, Sen A K (eds.) 1991. Social Security in Developing Countries. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Drèze J. and Sen, A. 1995. The political Economy of Hunger: selected essays. Clarendon Press. (abdridged)
- Drèze J. and Sen, A.K. 1995. India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity. Oxford University Press.
- Dreze, Jean and Amartya Sen, (eds), 1997. Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
- Drèze J., M. Samson and S. Singh. 1997. The Dam and the Nation: Displacement and Resettlement in the Narmada Valley. Delhi: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-564004-7.
- A. De and J Drèze. 1999. Public Report on Basic Education in India. The PROBE report. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195648706
- Drèze J. (ed.) 1999. The Economics of Famine. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics. London: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Bhatia B, J. Drèze & K. Kelly. 2001. War and Peace in the Gulf: Testimonies of the Gulf Peace Team. London: Spokesman Books. [published on the tenth anniversary of the Team's attempt to stop the Gulf War through non-violent occupation].
- Drèze J. and Sen, A.K. 2002. India: Development and Participation. Oxford University Press.
- Drèze J. and Sen, A.K. 2013 An Uncertain Glory, India and Its Contradictions. Penguin.
- Drèze J., 2017 Sense And Solidarity - Jholawala Economics for Everyone. Permanent Black. ISBN 8178245213
- Dreze, Jean and Haris Gazdar, 1997. "Uttar Pradesh: the Burden of Inertia", in Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen, (eds) Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
- Drèze, J. 1990. Famine Prevention in India. In Drèze J. and Sen, A. (eds.) The Political Economy of Hunger. vol 2. Oxford University Press.
- Stern, N. and Drèze J. 1991. Policy Reform, Shadow Prices and Market Prices. Journal of Public Economics.
- Drèze J., 1991. Public Action for Social Security: Foundations and Strategy. In Ahmad E, Drèze J, Hills J, Sen A K (eds.). Social Security in Developing Countries. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Drèze J. and H. Gazdar. 1992. Hunger and Poverty in Iraq, 1991. World Development.
- Drèze J., M. Murthi and A-C. Guio. 1995. Mortality, Fertility and Gender Bias in India. Population and Development Review.
- Dreze, Jean and Naresh Sharma, 1996, "Sharecropping in a North Indian Village", Journal of Development Studies, 33(1):1–40.
- Drèze J. and P.V. Srinivasan. 1997. Widowhood and Poverty in Rural India. Journal of Development Economics.
- Drèze J. and Sen, A.K. (eds.) 1997. Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives. Delhi: Oxford University Press.
- Dreze, Jean and Naresh Sharma, "Palanpur: Population, Society Economy", chapter 1 in Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern, eds., Economic Development in Palanpur over Five Decades, 1998. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dreze, Jean, Peter Lanjouw and Naresh Sharma. 1998. "Economic Development in Palanpur, 1957–93", chapter 2 in Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern, eds., Economic Development in Palanpur over Five Decades. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dreze, Jean and Naresh Sharam, "Tenancy", chapter 8 in Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern, eds., Economic Development in Palanpur over Five Decades, 1998. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Dreze, Jean, Peter Lanjouw and Naresh Sharma, "Credit", chapter 9 in Peter Lanjouw and Nicholas Stern, eds., Economic Development in Palanpur over Five Decades, 1998. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Baland, J-M. Drèze J. and L. Leruth. 1999. Daily Wages and Piece Rates in Agrarian Economies. Journal of Development Economics.
- Drèze J. and R. Khera. 2000. Crime, Gender and Society in India. Population and Development Review.
- Drèze J. and G.G. Kingdon. 2001. Participation in Rural India. Review of Development Economics 5(1),1-24.
- Drèze J. 2001. Fertility, Education and Development: Evidence from India. Population and Development Review.
- Dreze, Jean "Patterns of Literacy and their Social Context", (originally written 199?), in Veena Das (ed.), 2004, Oxford Handbook of Indian Sociology, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
- Dreze, Jean, 2002, "On Research and Action", Economic and Political Weekly, March 2, 37 (9). New Delhi.
- Deaton A. and Drèze J. 2002. Poverty and Inequality in India: A Reexamination. Economic and Political Weekly, 7 September. 3729-3748.
- Drèze J. 2003. Food Security and the Right to Food. In S. Mahendra Dev, K.P. Kannan and N. Ramachandran (eds). Toward a Food Secure India. New Delhi: Institute for Human Development.
- Drèze, Jean and Aparajita Goyal. 2003. Future of Mid-Day Meals. Economic and Political Weekly, November 1.
- Drèze, Jean 2004. Democracy and the Right to Food. Economic and Political Weekly. 1723–1731.
- Deaton, Angus and Dreze, J. 2008. Nutrition In India: Facts and Interpretations'
- Drèze, Jean Democracy and Power: The Delhi Lectures, Introduction by Jean Dreze, Democracy and Power, Introduction
- Drèze, Jean, and Khera, Reetika. 2017. Recent Social Security Initiatives in India World Development.
इहो देखल जाय
[संपादन करीं]संदर्भ
[संपादन करीं]![]() | ई जीवनी लेख एगो आधार बाटे। जानकारी जोड़ के एकरा के बढ़ावे में विकिपीडिया के मदद करीं। |